Extending Your Hockey Career

July 8, 2012

Here is a table that you can use to tick off the EYHC check points and keep track of your self assessment. You may have to look at the text in the Bonus section to recall the discussion on the various check points.

Extending Your Hockey Career
Self Assessment Table
If Okay, Check ?, If Questionable Check ?,  and make a note for yourself.
Assessment Date: ____________

Check Point    Description                                  Okay with this ?; Questionable ? Improvement Needed?
EYHC 1    When you are not having fun anymore
EYHC 2    When you don’t feel like playing with them anymore
EYHC 3    When you overhear negative comments on your abilities
EYHC 4    When they don’t ask you to play
EYHC 5    When they ask you to be the coach
EYHC 6    When you need help putting your equipment on
EYHC 7    When they start to patronize you or are condescending
EYHC 8    When you are not included in the play
EYHC 9    When there is a danger that you can get hurt
EYHC 10    Every play ends with you.
EYHC 11    When your wife won’t let you play.
EYHC 12    Are you still having fun?
EYHC 13    Positive Attitude
EYHC 14    Maintain good equipment and prepare for the game.
EYHC 15    Have a warm-up up routine
EYHC 16    Get along with the guys.
EYHC 17    Practice at home
EYHC 18    Stay in shape
EYHC 19    Extending Your Career – Basic Hockey - Think Hockey
EYHC 20    Make yourself available for a pass
EYHC 21    Support the puck
EYHC 22    Know what you’ve going to do if you get the puck
EYHC 23    Use the pass option first and often
EYHC 24    Don’t get in harms way
EYHC 25    Play in certain areas of the ice
EYHC 26    Play certain positions
EYHC 27    Goal Tender
EYHC 28    Short Shifts
EYHC 29    Off Ice - Dressing Room Talk
EYHC 30    Enjoy Good Health if you have it.

Check out www.pickuphockeygame.com and my book Pick Up Hockey – Insights on playing the game.

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